Manufacturers’ Representatives to the HVACR Industry.

Serving the Northeast and MidAtlantic States.

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CK Sales Wins Regal Rexnord “Rep Firm of the Year Award”

March 16, 2022

San Antonio, TX – CK Sales Inc., was awarded the “2021 Rep Firm of the Year Award” at the March  2022 Regal Rexnord annual sales meeting in San Antonio Texas. Tony Montemarano, Eastern Regional  Sales Manager for Regal Rexnord said “Thank you to the entire CK Sales Team for all that you do for  Regal Rexnord.”  

Regal Rexnord is a major manufacturer of motors to the HVACR industry and a leader in ECM Motor  technology.  

CK Sales, Inc., was founded by Jim Cunningham and Brian Kavanagh in 2007. The CK Sales team of  seven account managers cover the area from Virginia to Maine and represent Nu-Calgon, Supco, Regal  Rexnord, Purolator, Harris, Inficon, Allstyle, Holyoke and Airgle to Wholesale Distributors and  Contractors. For more information visit


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CK Sales, Inc.
P.O. Box 2249 Long Beach Township, NJ 08008