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Rich Aughey Wins CK Sales D.O.G. Award

January 10, 2022

NY, NY – Rich Aughey was named the winner of the 2021 CK Sales, Inc. D.O.G. Award at the CK Sales  Annual Meeting. The D.O.G. award stands for Determination, Optimism, and Getting the Job Done – all  essential characteristics for any successful salesperson.

Jim Cunningham, President of CK Sales, Inc.  said, “Rich exhibits these traits and more, and this is why he has always been such an effective  salesperson.

Even during the height of the pandemic, Rich found a way to visit customers, bringing them  lunches and spreading his optimism. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge, and he is a great  example to the other members of the CK Sales Team,”

CK Sales, Inc., was founded by Jim Cunningham and Brian Kavanagh in 2007.

The CK Sales team of  seven account managers cover the area from Virginia to Maine and represent Nu-Calgon, Supco, Regal  Beloit, Purolator, Harris, Inficon, Allstyle, Holyoke and Airgle to Wholesale Distributors and  Contractors. For more information visit



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CK Sales, Inc.
P.O. Box 2249 Long Beach Township, NJ 08008